Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun....and Blog

Blogging, at one time it was viewed as an online journal and it has now turned into so much more. I started blogging because I had a passion, saving money. I wanted to help others save money too, so I started a blog. I never asked for anything in return, I just wanted to share my knowledge. Recently, I have felt an inward struggle of what my blogging content should be. It has actually become overwhelming! I mean, the Blogosphere is enormous and it's hard to keep up with or even "compete" with some of these blogs. Not saying that blogging is a competition, but how does one even obtain readers when some of these blogs just seem so much better.

Mommy bloggers are everywhere, it's hard not to know one personally let alone know many on the internet. I know for me, I am one that needs a good dose of motivation once in a while. I feel very blessed to be going to at least 2 blogging conferences this year. I will be heading to Bloggy Bootcamp on May 1st and Blogher 10 in August. I'm actually a conference newbie!

Brian (fiance) asked me why the blogging conferences. Well, not only am I lacking motivation, I feel like in this journey I am lacking knowledge and even support. I mean, some of these blogs look amazing, how can I do that? I'd love to have more readers then those just inspired to follow me because I am hosting a giveaway, how do I do that? I'm not looking to have all my problems answered, I'm looking for some inspiration and maybe in turn I can share in the inspiration. I'm looking to grow friendships and learn about what makes other bloggers passionate about what they do. If you are going to any of these conferences, maybe I'll see you there!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This Is Me.....

Here it is, my new blog. I'm keeping my Super Savings Blog, I just wanted to add something personal. After contemplating on adding my personal blogs to Super Savings, I decided to have another blog that is different from that.

So here is my intro/bio. I am a divorced mom of 2 beautiful kids. My daughter is 9 and my son is 5, they really do grow up so fast. I am not a "single" mom because I have been blessed with a wonderful Fiance, Brian. He also has 2 children and we're trying to figure out this "blended" family thing.

I'm 29 and I've lived in Phoenix, AZ all my life, and ya the heat sucks but otherwise I love it here. While lately I don't have much spare time, my hobbies include scrapbooking, photography, baking and the outdoors. I love saving money, hence my blog http://www.supersavingsense.com.

So why the Sweet Land of Chaos? I feel like even though I have been through some pretty hard times and right now life seems to be an emotional roller coaster, I am truly blessed and while it is crazy, it is awesome. Also, other blog names I wanted were already taken, lol.

Well I think that is it for now, I look forward to having a more personal blog and meeting others out here in the blogosphere!