Thursday, July 22, 2010

NYC and Holiday Roads, Here I Come!

In the next few weeks I have a couple of trips coming up. I will be attending Blogher 10 in NYC and doing a Roadtrip with the family to the mountains of AZ for camping. I always find myself scurrying at the last minute trying to get things done. I am determined to start packing at least 1-2 weeks early (which is right about now).

I have started making various lists on note cards including dates and categories of what to pack and what we need to bring. I tend to over-pack because I prepare for unexpected instances such as colder weather or the car breaking down. I'm hoping that for NYC I can narrow my choices down since we will be taking a train in but I will be true to form probably and over-pack! I'm also always nervous I will forget something!

My packing categories include:

  • Snacks
  • Clothes
  • Toiletries (makeup, lotions etc)
  • Camera Bag (you might not think this needs a category of it's own, but for me it does)
  • Emergency
  • Entertainment
  • Doggy Travels
For our camping trip, our dog Star will be attending so it's important that we pack her items too! Treats, dog food, harness, bed etc.

The kids will be staying with Grandma when we go to NYC so there is another list to make! I'm hoping to make these next two weeks as least stressful as possible.

I'm not really a planner, I'm more of a spontaneous spirit so if you have any traveling tips, please share them!

Are you going on any trips soon?

What do you do to prepare for a trip?

What do you always have to bring when you travel?

1 comment:

  1. i'll be going to blogher too. i made my packing list today and it's broken down into clothes, toiletries, electronics (laptop, camera, phone and applicable accessories for each), and conference stuff (business cards, tickets for everything, pens, and notepaper)
