Sunday, July 11, 2010

Post Bloggy Bootcamp Pt. 1 ~ The Awesomeness That Continues

In May, I posted about my ventures to Bloggy Bootcamp, A Blogging Conference run by the Sits Girls. 2 months post the conference and I am still thankful at the opportunity to go. I learned an incredible amount of valuable information that it still rings in my ears. I can tell you each of the speakers names and what they taught me as valuable information. The passion at the conference was just in a word "awesomeness", and I still feel that awesomeness.

With the information I learned, the conference motivated me (extremely if I may say) to increase my blog posts on Super Saving Sense. Here are my numbers post conference (the conference was on May 1st):

My goal is to post at least 100 posts at Super Saving Sense blog in July.

Along with the information learned, being able to network with other bloggers was probably the most valuable thing I was able to take from this conference. I am currently friends in real life now with so many bloggers. In fact, we have formed into a local networking group. Before going to this conference I was having a hard time making "blogging" friends and tonight, I brought dinner to a blogging friend in need I had met at Bloggy Bootcamp. It has really turned into a "sisterhood" of bloggers.

If you are interested in finding a Bloggy Bootcamp in your area you can check here: . Bloggy Bootcamp is great especially if you have never been to a blogging conference. There was only 100 bloggers and the smaller setting allowed for less "chaos". But even if you have been to one, it is still an awesome experience. Sits Girl Tiffany is working on the details for a Bloggy Bootcamp for November in Utah which I would love to attend, yes again ;-)

Stay tuned, On July 19th, I plan on joining a number of the Sits Girls Bloggers in doing a challenge titled "30 Days to a Better Blog", influenced by the ebook from Pro Blogger. I am going to use this opportunity to not only work on Super Saving Sense but this personal blog needs a major motivator. A 30 day challenge with others is just what I need to help me get in touch with my "personal" blog.

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